Ellen Kwembeya – 3rd Cohort Fellow
Teach For Zimbabwe catches them young in Zero tolerance to corruption . TFZ continues to be the torch bearer in pursuit of promoting responsible citizenry and accountability amongst school kids. Ellen Kwembeya, a fellow member stationed at Munashe Private High School, created an integrity and accountability club. The club seeks to raise awareness on the negative impact of corruption to the society. The club also teaches fellow school kids on responsibility, morality, and positive behaviors that enable them to tackle daily life challenges. Accountability plays a fundamental role in raising responsible citizens who practice zero tolerance on corruption and other vices that lead to social and moral decadence. ‘We are raising responsible citizens who can transform their communities through good leadership skills like transparency and good character, we are using the chalkboard to create a better future together with the Zimbabwe Anti Corruption Commission’ said. This initiative does not only benefit the present generation but paves way for creation of a culture of transparency from personal to national level, stance that is being championed by the government of Zimbabwe through the Zimbabwe Anti Corruption Commission.
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