The objective is to provide professional development training to secondary school teachers covering courses such as Classroom Culture, Vision and Planning, Checking for Understanding, Digital skills, Emotional intelligence and management of large groups. ProFuturo is an education program launched in 2016 by Telefónica Foundation and “La Caixa” Foundation, whose mission is to narrow the education gap in the world by providing quality digital education for children in vulnerable environments in Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. In line with Goal 4 of the United Nations’ 2030 sustainable development agenda on access to equitable and inclusive quality education for all, ProFuturo aspires to become a world reference for transformation and innovation in education, improving the education of millions of children through technology. Last year (2021), TFZ targetted 900 teachers for the program and worked in Mutoko and Chiredzi and the organisation managed to train over 950 teachers. This year (2022), TFZ has the same target of 900 teachers but will be working in Mutoko, Mudzi and Chivi districts for this year’s cycle
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